Energy – Efficiency

We generate movement sustainably.

Saving energy, protecting the environment – buzzwords of our time. We go ahead, come with us!

Our drives and agitators are extremely efficient products. The underlying radial piston principle is trend-setting for the future. Because it gets the best possible performance from every ounce of energy used.

With our extensive tests, we create a solid knowledge and data basis for our customers. In doing so, we consciously rely on a direct comparison with the vane motor, whose working principle is not only outdated, but also extremely energy-consuming. Saving energy has another significant advantage: You save money. Our unique results speak for themselves:

Performance test


Our performance test compares the air consumption of PTM radial piston motors with the air consumption of vane motors under the same test conditions:

– Continuous operation
– Compressor with 10kW power
– Delivery rate 2.5 Nm3 / min
– Compressed air index 80 Wh / Nm3
– Electricity costs 22ct / kWh
– Compressed air costs 2.1 ct / Nm3.

Savings per year
Stirring process in 30 liters hobbock
PTM drive 450         vs.         vane drive
(same performance class)

Savings per year
Stirring process in 200 liters drum

 PTM drive 1800         vs.         vane drive
(same performance class)

Savings per year
Stirring process in 1 000 liters IBC container

PTM drive 3600         vs.        vane drive
(same performance class)

Case studies


Automotive supplier puts motor to the acid test

Our customer competely converted his production from vane motors to radial piston motors. He reviewed his decision by means of solid numbers and got groundbreaking results.


Convincing energy test at Germany’s largest paint manufacturer

Radial piston motors are much more effective and powerful than Gast vane motors. Here are the convincing test results:

Statements of our customers

Vane motors initially appear to be cheaper to purchase. Unfortunately, this still steers some companies in the wrong direction. The awakening comes with the electricity bill. With a simple amortization calculation, we have proven to all of our customers that the radial piston-operated drives and agitators from PTM mechatronics are significantly cheaper due to the energy savings. A switch to PTM’s sustainable technology is amortized after just one year of operation through these savings.

Vratislav Šrám, LPW kovo s.r.o., exclusive supplier of Hyundai and Hella

The radial piston motor is the best product the market of pneumatic drives offers. An energy-efficient and cost-saving product of high quality. There is definitely no comparable alternative.

József Cseh, Conpart Ker. és Szolg. Kft.,exclusive supplier of Robert Bosch and Suzuki

Our efficient products

Efficient compressed air motors for powerful drive technology

High-performance compressed air motors

Our high-performance compressed air motors need only a minimum of air to perform maximum torque.

Various container versions with different options and efficient solutions to match our agitators

Efficient stirring technology

Our efficient agitators provide maximum power while consuming only a minimum of energy.

Please contact us:

If you would like to be advised on our products, our experts will gladly take care of your request:
+49 8134 / 25 797 0

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