Occupational exposure limit values


In Germany, the occupational exposure limit value indicates “up to which concentration of a substance acute or chronic harmful effects on health in general are not to be expected.” On January 1, 2005, it replaced the previously applied MAK values ​​(values ​​for the maximum concentration in the workplace).

Assessment and publication of occupational exposure limit values

Legally binding values ​​are developed or evaluated by the Committee for Hazardous Substances (AGS) according to the criteria of BekGS 901 “Criteria for deriving occupational exposure limit values” and published in TRSG 900.

The MAK values ​​of the German Research Foundation and the occupational exposure limit values ​​of the EU are used for the assessment.

If no occupational exposure limit values ​​are noted in the TRSG 900 for a substance, the TRSG 402 can be used for the assessment.

Occupational exposure limit values in stirring technology

Occupational exposure limit values can also play a role in stirring technology. When stirring powders, for example, fine mists can be stirred up by the stirring process. Powder particles can also get into the air when adding and stirring powders into liquids. Some substances give off vapors to their surroundings when stirred.

We support you in complying with the occupational exposure limit values. We supply you with suitable lids for securely closing the stirring application with an extraction system mounted directly on the lid. Extraction above the application is also possible.

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